Wait 14 days after administration of injectables (i.e., Botox and fillers).
Isotretinoin should be stopped for 6 months prior to service and any other medications that would affect the characteristics of the skin should be stopped for 2 months prior to service. Unless advised to increase the time by your doctor.
If using retinol stop use 3-5 days prior to service.
Avoid alcohol and caffeine 1-2 days prior to service.
You may experience inflammation, itching, and burning.
Professional resurfacing, dermaplaning or chemical peel within the last 14-28 days.
No facial waxing within 72 hours.
Pre-treatment Information
Aftercare is critical for achieving your healthiest-looking skin, so we want to make sure you know exactly what to do.
Do not use topical agents that may increase the sensitivity of your skin such as retinoids, exfoliants, topical antibiotics, or, hydroxy acids 5-7 days prior to the service.
Avoid IPL/Laser procedures for at least 2 weeks prior to the service.
No waxing, depilatory creams, or electrolysis to the area being treated for 5 days prior.
Avoid Accutane six months prior to service. Consult with your doctor for guidance.
Avoid waxing, depilatory creams, or electrolysis on face five days prior to treatment.
Avoid IPL/laser procedures at least two weeks prior to treatment.
Avoid unprotected sun exposure or sunburn at least two weeks prior to treatment.
Avoid experimenting with new skin care products 2 weeks before treatment.
Avoid unprotected sun exposure or sunburn at least one week before service.
Do not shave the face the day of the procedure to avoid skin irritation.
Keep makeup to a minimum day of the service if possible and do not experiment with new products before the service.
Avoid alcohol and caffeine 24-48 hours before the service.